Living room
In this Haussmann-style apartment, we have redistributed the layout and created this vast living room: replacement of the woodwork, upgrading of the electricity, renovation of the walls and the floor.
In this Haussmann-style apartment, we have redistributed the layout and created this vast living room: replacement of the woodwork, upgrading of the electricity, renovation of the walls and the floor.
In this Haussmann-style apartment, we redistributed the layout and created this vast bathroom: replacement of the woodwork, creation of skylights, choice and installation of furniture, renovation of the plumbing, bringing…
In this seaside apartment, we have renovated the living room as well as the separation to the kitchen: creation of a glass roof, upgrading of electricity, renovation of the walls…
In this Haussmann-style apartment, we redistributed the layout and created this vast kitchen: replacement of the woodwork, choice and installation of furniture, renovation of the plumbing, bringing the electricity up…
In this Haussmann-style apartment, we have renovated the toilets: replacement of the woodwork, choice and installation of furniture, renovation of the plumbing, upgrading of the electricity, renovation of the walls…
In this seaside apartment, we have renovated this bright living room: replacement of woodwork, upgrading of electricity, renovation of the walls and floor.
In this Haussmann-style apartment, we have redistributed the layout and created this vast living room: replacement of the woodwork, creation of a glass roof and a gallery opening, bringing the…
In this Haussmann-style apartment, we redistributed the layout and created this vast bathroom: creation of a niche, choice and installation of furniture, renovation of the plumbing, upgrading of the electricity,…
In this Haussmann-style apartment, we redistributed the layout and created this vast kitchen: installation of a sliding door, choice and installation of furniture, renovation of the plumbing, bringing the electricity…
In this Haussmann-style apartment, we redistributed the layout and created this vast bathroom: creation of an Italian-style shower, creation of glass canopies, choice and installation of furniture, renovation of the…